If your elderly family member becomes unable to speak for him or herself, the advance health care directive allows them to name someone to act as their “agent." Eventually, that assigned person will become their “medical power of attorney.” This person holds a great amount of power, making the selection process very important for the benefit of your elderly family member. But just how is this person chosen to be their decision maker? Here are three pointers to help you and your elderly family member make the right decision.
![]() ![]() Elders are favorite targets for scam artists. The most common fraud scams against elders include prizes and sweepstakes. This is where the elder is told they’ve “won” but must first send in money to cover the taxes or other associated fees. Sadly, some will oblige to the requirements because they sound so realistic.
![]() ![]() “Life after eighty rarely ends suddenly and unexpectedly in our sleep,” states Dr. Dennis McCullough, in his book My Mother, Your Mother. Instead, caring for an aging relative is more commonly a journey of many years. As a geriatrician and care provider to his late mother, Dr. McCullough knows this terrain well.
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